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Bettina helped give me a vision of what our playroom could look like. Her ideas and suggestions really helped me get going and helped me actually make this project happen. Thanks to her, I moved out a bunch of furniture, that I would have just tolerated before, and put it in a much more functional place. She encouraged me to paint the walls and really make the room my own. She had great ideas on where to buy things, what to buy and where to place everything. She also checked in with me often after our initial visit which helped me stay on schedule and finish the room. My family spends much more time in that room now that it is beautiful and organized. Thank you Bettina!    - Jennifer H., Berlin

Bettina is very talented and a true professional when it comes to decorating. Easy to work with and very reliable. She helped make our home perfectly unique!  - Michelle K., California


Bettina is very talented and a true professional when it comes to decorating. Easy to work with and very reliable. She helped make our home perfectly unique!  - Esmeralda M., CA


Bettina Kraft hat unser Schlafzimmer zu einer absoluten Wohlfühloase umgestaltet! Wir sind nach wie vor sehr begeistert und können sie uneingeschränkt empfehlen. Vom Erstkontakt über ihre professionelle Beratung sowie ihre umfangreichen Möbel- und Deko-Vorschläge bis hin zum Finishing hat uns Bettina vollends überzeugt und begeistert. Vielen Dank liebe Bettina und wir freuen uns schon sehr auf die weiteren Projekte mit dir! - Vivi, Berlin

(Translated by Google)
Bettina Kraft has redesigned our bedroom into an absolute oasis of well-being! We are still very enthusiastic and can recommend them unreservedly. From the first contact to her professional advice and her extensive furniture and decoration suggestions to the finishing touches, Bettina has completely convinced and impressed us. Thank you dear Bettina and we are looking forward to further projects with you! Vivi, Berlin

Wenn Sie Hilfe und Ideen brauchen beim Einrichten oder Dekorieren Ihrer Zuhauses, dann kann ich Ihnen Bettina Kraft’s Interior Design Service uneingeschränkt empfehlen. Bettina hat ein Auge fuer guten Geschmack, Liebe fuers Detail, und durch ihren langjährigen Aufenthalt in Kalifornien einen besonderen Stil entwickelt, der zeitgemäßes und modernes Design mit einem klassischen und gemütlichen Ambiente verbindet. Sicherlich bin ich hier nicht ganz unparteiisch, aber ich kann nur sagen das durch Bettina‘s Dekoration und guten Geschmack alle Gäste die uns im Laufe der letzten Jahre besucht hatten immer mit Begeisterung unser Heim bewundert haben. Probieren Sie es einfach mal aus ...  - Reiner, Berlin

(Translated by Google)
If you need help and ideas when setting up or decorating your home, I can unreservedly recommend Bettina Kraft’s Interior Design Service. Bettina has an eye for good taste, attention to detail, and through her long stay in California has developed a special style that combines contemporary and modern design with a classic and cozy ambience. Certainly I'm not completely impartial here, but I can only say that thanks to Bettina's decoration and good taste, all the guests who have visited us over the past few years have always admired our home with enthusiasm. Just try it out ... - Reiner, Berlin

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